- Smart controls LCD display, quick dial wheel & Setup Wizard
- Advanced stainless steel dual heat exchangers
- 15:1 DHW and up to 7.3:1 heating TDR
- Field convertible gas system (NG/LP) up to 10,100 ft.
- Capable of cascading up to 15 NPE water heaters
- Capable of common venting up to 7 NPE water heaters
- Built-in 3 zone pumps and 3 zone valves powered connections
- 2" venting up to 65' and 3" venting up to 150'
Product TypeGas Boiler
End ConnectionNPT
End Connection 1NPT
End Connection 2NPT
Fits Pipe Size2 in.;3 in.
Fitting Size 13/4 in.
Fitting Sizes3/4 in.
Flow Rate2.9 gpm - 8.2 gpm
Fuel TypeLiquid Propane Gas;Natural Gas
Height29-2/7 in.